AI-Powered Drug Discovery
Logica® is a customized turnkey drug discovery solution from target to preclinical development that is transforming drug discovery. Charles River and Valo’s combined offering increases certainty of small molecule drug discovery through delivery of advanceable leads and candidates, tying costs to value generation points. You give us specifications, we deliver a drug candidate.
Redefining Your Drug Discovery Journey
Logica is a transformative solution for advancing preclinical programs, from inception to candidate nomination, by integrating world-leading laboratory capabilities with best-in-class AI-driven molecular design.

This approach has a 90% success rate in producing advanceable lead series. We’ll also conduct an advancability assessment and leverage our data generation and compute capabilities to rapidly advance to a candidate.

Because we’re confident in Logica's success, we’ve created a true risk sharing model where most of your cost is tied to your success.

Logica seamlessly integrates molecular design capabilities and biological assay data in an active learning loop to build predictive models with industry leading accuracy.

We provide more insight into your leads by leveraging the power of hundreds of in vitro and in vivo models and thousands of computational predictive models.

Scan a broader universe of actionable chemistry and quickly iterate through billions of virtual molecules to rank and deliver novel results.
AI-Powered Drug Discovery Solutions: Logica-AL and Logica-C
Unlike traditional offerings that focus on outsourcing specific discovery tasks, Logica provides an integrated, AI-driven closed loop process that aligns outputs to customer needs. This AI-powered drug discovery offering is comprised of two products:
1. Logica-AL (Advanceable Lead)
Customers obtain highly advanceable, potent series with desired characteristics such as ADME and selectivity, optimized for customer preferences and whose advancability has been extensively evaluated and simulated to maximize downstream probability of success.
2. Logica-C (Candidate)
After Logica-AL, the Logica-C offering leverages promising chemical matter and program-optimized predictive models, to impact the success rate of each experiment, and rapidly advance the program. It delivers a development candidate that has undergone safety and efficacy tests, and is ready for IND enabling studies.
Rethink how you approach drug discovery; Logica can help you get to the clinic even faster by providing key insights and more informed leads and candidates.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About AI-Powered Drug Discovery
How will clients work with Logica?
Unlike traditional service-based offerings provided by CROs, Logica is delivered as a drug discovery product resulting in a pre-clinical candidate in two parts; Logica-AL (Advanceable Lead) and Logica-C (Candidate). The Logica-AL and Logica-C workflow starts from an identified target and results in a pre-clinical candidate. Once the target is identified Logica aims its algorithms and data-generation capabilities at client's design specifications. We build suites of models, and aim them at vast chemical universes, focusing on the most promising series, which are then synthesized and validated. When Logical-AL reaches its first value inflection point it has gone beyond the traditional lead series, it has also generated the suite of models necessary to rapidly push the program into optimization. In Logica-C, this model suite is expanded because of our world class data-generation, allowing Logica to deliver from series ID to candidate ID.
The delivery of these drug discovery assets allows our clients to expand their portfolio without additional infrastructure or project management; clients give us the specifications, we deliver highly advanceable lead series and drive them to a candidate.
What can the AI-Powered Drug Discovery Solutions Logica-AL and Logica-C do for me?
Logica combines world class data generation platforms with best-in-class machine learning chemical design technology to deliver better leads, for better drugs. Logica provides a level of certainty for drug discovery and means risk-sharing, value-anchored structures are now possible for small molecule development. The Charles River and Valo partnership addresses all of your needs; a high-confidence candidate that can be tested in clinical development.
How is Logica different from traditional CRO services?
Unlike traditional AI solutions and machine learning solutions, Logica is a truly integrated drug discovery offering focused on value generation, and delivering assets rather than à-la-carte services. We interact with data at predefined value inflection points, and provide a true end-to-end risk sharing model, to deliver leads and candidates as drug discovery products.
AI-powered drug discovery solutions have long been used alongside traditional processes to increase efficiencies. Logica takes this even further, providing a truly integrated solution, to transform drug discovery, and development.