Legal Compliance Policies

Charles River is committed to the highest ethical standards and compliance. This is best exemplified through our completely revised and redesigned Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code of Conduct), released in September 2018.

Below you can find the Code as well as other policies mentioned in the code.

Affirmative Action and EEO Policy
Animal Welfare and the Humane Treatment of Animals Policy
Politique anti-corruption
Politique antitrust et de concurrence loyale
Code de conduite professionnelle et d’éthique
Conflict Minerals Law Statement
Déclaration relative aux droits humains
Global Policy on Safety & Sustainability
Politique mondiale de confidentialité et de protection des données
Global Quality Policy
Déclaration Mondiale Visant à Garantir Un Lieu De Travail Exempt De Harcèlement Et De Discrimination
Insider Trading Policy
Investigator Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
Policy on Complaints of Accounting, Internal Accounting Controls and Auditing Matters - United States
Political Contributions Policy
Privacy Notice
Related Person Transaction Policy
Statement Regarding the Prohibition of Human Trafficking
Code de Conduite du Fournisseur
Violence Sur Le Lieu De Travail

Potential ethical or legal violations involving our business can be reported by calling our Compliance & Ethics Helpline at 1-866-294-3699, visiting, or writing to Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., 251 Ballardvale Street, Wilmington, MA 01887, Attn: General Counsel. No one will be subject to retaliation for making a good faith report of a complaint or concern.